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Slouch Hat Publications
Home in Mornington Peninsula

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PO Box 174 , McCrae, VIC,3938. Mccrae. Mornington Peninsula, VIC,
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What you should know about Slouch Hat Publications

Business in Mornington Peninsula, Book Publishers in Mornington Peninsula, Publishers in Mornington Peninsula, Houses in Mornington Peninsula

Slouch Hat Publications is a small publishing house specialising in Australian Military History. We also distribute other military books of interest to our readers. Our books are all written by Australian authors and printed in Australia. Our books are very good quality, in hard cover, and we have not deviated from this quality style of production. This home based business was formed by Ron and Sue Austin, which has over many years built up a regular client list, Slouch Hat Publications started as a self publishing venture, the business name of Slouch Hat Publications was formally registered In essence, and in June 1994, [trading as R & S Austin] in 1989, as well as selling to libraries and the retail book trade. (more).

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